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Photo Bibles. The new electronic version of Holy Scripture accompanied by 3000 early photos taken of the Holy Land

Dear Reader,

Sacralion Publishing Group prepared and published the photo-illustrated Holy Bible accompanied with more than 3000 old pictures of the Holy Land.

For the first time in the history, the Holy Scripture acquired a “documentary” character because the events described in the Holy Bible have been illustrated with photographs taken at the end of the XIX-th - early XX-th centuries, when the Holy Land still maintained its outlook of ancient times that later were erased by the XX-th century urbanization.

The New Illustrated Bible of Jerusalem presented to you should attract an attention of the young generation in the first place, for the “fairy tale” outlook of the biblical events will become a reality for them when they look at the images of the places where biblical events took place.

While visiting our web-site, you have unrestricted, unlimited and free access to all presented versions of the Holy Scripture in various languages.

In addition to the basic features of our site, the registered user can easily zoom in and download in high resolution old photographs of the Holy Land which illustrate the biblical verses. The unregistered user can see the set of such pictures and their captions only for the Book of Genesis and the Gospel according to Matthew (144 photos) as well as some maps in the Holy Land Atlas section.

In order to get unrestricted access to all the resources of our site, you must register.

After registration, not only will you have access to several thousand of the aforementioned thoroughly-restored old photographs, you will also be able to review the Old Testament Genealogical Tables and the unique George Adam Smith Atlas of the Historical Geography of the Holy Land (1915), with its dozens of maps of Palestine.

You can also view and order our photo-illustrated Bibles in printed and electronic formats, receive continuous updates and amendments to our on-line publications, share your opinion, communicate with your friends, create and support you interest groups and participate in many other interesting activities. Also, as a registered user, you can actively participate in biblical photography trivia quizzes and contests in order to win many different prizes, including the top prize, a free Holy Land tour for 2 people.

Sacralion Media Group (SMG) is very glad to invite you to become our reader. We await your visit to our site.

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